The Truth About Suicide

If you're experiencing suicidal thoughts, you're not alone- even though it may feel that way.

  • In a year, nearly 40% of college students will report feeling so depressed that it's difficult to function.
  • 10% will report thoughts of suicide.
  • 9.3% of Oregon Tech students reported thoughts of suicide in 2006 survey.
  • Suicide is the second leading cause of death among college students.

Are you experiencing suicidal thoughts? Concerned someone you care about may be at risk for suicide?

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255)

Why Suicide?

People have different reasons for thinking about suicide:

  • Some see suicide as a way to escape problems.
  • Others see suicide as a way to end insufferable pain.
  • Some people hate themselves and think they deserve to die.
  • Others see themselves as a burden to loved ones.
  • Some see suicide as a way to test the love of others or get revenge.

Whatever your motivation for considering suicide, Oregon Tech wants to help you find hope and a way to cope with your problems. Oregon Tech offers professional counseling and medical staff who can help you create (or re-create) a life worth living.

It's interesting that often intense emotional stress sometimes blinds people to alternative solutions to suicide, yet other solutions are almost always available.

While some students see suicide as the solution to end all problems, suicide can also be understood as the problem to end all solutions. All too often, a completed suicide is a permanent solution to what might have been only a temporary problem.

Our Counseling Services staff are experts when it comes to helping college students creatively solve their problems and reduce their pain.

Our Student Health Center staff can provide medical assessment and medication related to emotional challenges.

If you're having thoughts of suicide:

DO Talk With Someone
Residence Hall Staff
Crisis Line

Don't isolate yourself
Don't drink alcohol or use other drugs

Oregon Tech Resources

  • Counseling Services, ISHC: 541-885-1800
  • Integrated Student Health Center: 541-885-1800
  • Residence Life Staff: 541-885-1094
  • Oregon Tech Campus Safety
    Emergency: 541-885-0911
    Non-emergency: 541-885-1111
  • Dean of Students, CU 217: 541-885-1011
  • Services for Students with Disabilities, LRC 228: 885-1031
  • Self-help websites designed for students: and

24-hour Crisis Resources

Help is available. All you have to do is take the first step. Talk to someone.

Oregon Tech is part of the Oregon University Suicide Prevention Project, a federally funded grant to reduce the risk of suicide in Oregon university students.

For more information about depression, suicide and college students, visit the National Mental Health Association, or the Jed Foundation.