Oral History:
Interview#: OH008
Interviewee: Jessee Barker
Interviewer: Barbara Ditman
Date: 06/12/2010
Location: Shaw Historical Library
Length: 53:00
Subjects: Oregon Technical Institute, extra-curricular activities
Time Index | Topic |
0:00 - 0:35 | Introduction/Name/Dates of attendance/Major |
0:36 - 3:35 | Personal background/early life/work history |
3:40 - 5:00 | College extra-curricular activities |
5:05 - 8:33 | Backgrounds of other students in his field (WWII Veterans) |
8:34 - 9:33 | Division of Vocational Rehabilitation |
9:35 - 13:45 | Advantages of knowledge gained in gunsmithing on other aspects of his career |
13:45 - 15:53 | Writing for "The Miler" |
16:07 - 17:10 | Recipient of OTI's first "Most Dedicated Student Award" |
17:10 - 19:00 | Chair of Committee to Elect Homecoming Queen |
19:00 - 20:54 | Location of campus/winters/transportation |
20:25 - 25:43 | Great Horned Owl/mascot |
25:45 - 27:45 | Winston Purvine |
27:45 - 30:30 | Awards and scholarship fund |
30:30 - 33:40 | Keeper of the cannon |
33:42 - 39:45 | Dormitory life/bonfires/parades |
40:00 - 40:57 | Old Campus vs. New Campus |
41:00 - 42:38 | Old campus fire department |
42:40 - 45:15 | Military Service |
45:18 - 53:00 | Best memories of OTI |

Interview transcript
Interview audio
The interview's video file can be watched in the Shaw Historical Library during open hours