Room Rates

Room Rates: (Non-profit rate is 25% off business rate)

    1-4 Hours 4-8 Hours
Room # Room Name Business Non-Profit Business Non-Profit


Union Peak Lounge






Union Bistro






Bookstore Lobby






Auditorium Lobby












Auditorium East or West






Crater Lake Complex






Mazama/Scott (combined)






Mt. Mazama






Mt. Scott






Crater Lake Complex Lobby






Cascades Dining Area












Mt. Shasta Lounge






Mt. Bailey












Mt. Thielsen






Mt. McLoughlin






2nd Floor Deck






Campus Fountain





  • Non-profit discount - 25%
  • Rates include portable furniture - One set-up and tear-down.
  • Rates do not include A/V equipment (see A/V rental rates).
  • Rates do not include additional labor charges.
  • The College Union reserves the right to require a deposit for certain events or groups.
  • Non-Profit groups may be asked to provide proof of their "Not for Profit" status.
  • The College Union reserves the right to require any group to provide proof of liability insurance for their event.
  • Oregon Tech reserves the right to negotiate any fees at any time.
  • Please clean up after your event; there may be additional charges for excessive cleanup.
  • If damages occur from decorations, incorrect tape, misuse of the space, or any other reason that could be avoided, a charge to correct the damages may be billed to your organization.
  • After your event is completed, a bill will be sent to your organization encompassing all charges for the College Union & Campus Dining (if applicable). We expect these bills to be paid in a timely manner. Organizations with outstanding bills may not be invited to use the College Union again until the matter is resolved.
  • If there is any question about your bill, please call or email Shellie Wilson at 541.885.1036 or
  • AV Tech: $35/hour
  • Student Manager (After Hours/Weekends): $17/hour
  • Custodial/Professional (Overtime Rate): $55/hour
  • Reservation Cancellation Within 24 Hours: Varies
  • No Show Fee: 100% of Rental Fee
  • No Show Fee - On Campus Groups **See Reservation Guidelines
  • Extra Cleanup/Setup: $35/hour
  • Special Event Cleaning Fee (5 hours @ $35/hour): $175

A/V Rental Rates & Additional Charges

A/V Equipment Rental Rate
Dance Floor (Reservation Must Allow Time for Setup/Teardown) $135.00
Date Projector (No Computer) $55.00
Data Projector w/ Computer $115.00
DVD Player w/ Projector $70.00
Easel (Tripod & Tabletop) 1 Free w/room Rental
Additional at $7/Day
Flipchart w/ Markers 1 Free w/room Rental
Additional at $15/Day
Lapel Microphone $35.00
Mackie Speakers (w/ stands) and Mixer Board $115.00
Microphone w/ Cord $25.00
Microphone Stand $10.00
Overhead Projector w/ Screen $25.00
Piano Check for Rates
Podium (No Microphone) 1 Free w/room Rental
Additional at $20/Day
Portable Screen (In-Room Screens—No Charge) $15.00
Podium w/Microphone $35.00
Power Strip 1 Free w/room Rental
Additional at $7/Day
Remote Control Slide Advance $20.00
Reverse Projection Screen with Projector


Sound Board/Mixer $40.00
Speaker Phone $35.00
Table Microphone $25.00
Whiteboard Easel 1 Free w/room Rental
Additional at $15/Day
Wireless Microphone $35.00

We want to welcome you to the College Union at Oregon Tech, and we hope you enjoy your visit! Whether your group has worked with us before or you are new to the College Union, we want you to get the most out of your time here. Below are answers to some common questions, and hopefully some helpful information. If you have additional questions, please don’t hesitate to call us!

Confirmation of Details

  • You should have been provided a detailed confirmation of your event when you made the reservation. Please look over this confirmation carefully, to be sure that we have complete and correct information (the information on that sheet is what we communicate to our setup crew, so if it isn’t on that sheet, they won’t know about it).
  • If you have corrections, changes, or any additional information, please let us know as far in advance as possible, so we can be sure to be ready for you.
  • Be sure we have all details (specific times, rooms, setup layouts, A/V needs, etc.) no later than 7 days before your event.

Room Use

  • We want to work with you to provide the most useful space for your needs, but we’ll need some guidance on what you want. Be sure to communicate these expectations to us clearly and in advance, so we can have everything ready when you arrive.
  • If your plans change after you arrive, our staff would be happy to move furniture or provide extra equipment for you as their availability allows (this takes time, and our staff may be busy helping other guests, so plan ahead as much as possible).
  • If you move furniture, please pick it up (do not drag it across the floor).
  • If you are using a space for multiple days, furniture will not be re-set between days unless you request. Please return furniture it to its original configuration before you leave. Do not move the furniture from room to room.
  • The furniture in Mt. McLoughlin and Sunset (large boardroom table w/chairs), and the Auditorium (theater-seating) is permanent and cannot be moved or altered.
  • If you are using the Auditorium, do not move the piano.
  • If you find that you need more space or another room, please check with the CU Information Office before moving, as there may be other reservations for that space.

Please Do not:

  • Move furniture or equipment from room to room
  • Hang items on the walls
  • Rearrange furniture without setting the room back to the original arrangement at the end of the meeting/event
  • Stand on the furniture or sit on the tables
  • Remove pictures or other hanging objects from the walls


All arrangements for food must be made through Campus Dining, which holds the right to first refusal on Oregon Tech’s campus (this means they serve all food on campus unless they cannot accommodate, or they allow an exception). If you have any questions, please call Josh Winter at 541.885.1036.

Decorating Guidelines

  • The only tape that may be used on the walls in the College Union is blue painter’s tape, as it does not damage surfaces or remove paint. This applies to walls, windows, columns, signs, floors, ceilings, and any other property of the College Union. The College Union does not provide blue painter’s tape, but it may be purchased at the Tech Nest (Oregon Tech bookstore), as well as many stores around town (Wal-Mart, Fred Meyer, etc.).
  • We provide a number of alternative options for using tape, such as bulletin boards, easels, art boards, and sign holders, so just let us know if you would like to use them. Please do not hang directional signs on walls or existing signs…we’d be happy to provide sign holders.
  • Fog machines may not be used in the CU at any time, as they will set off the fire alarms!
  • Absolutely no glitter and or confetti may be used, as these products create a great challenge for our staff to remove. Costs will be billed to your group for excessive glitter and or confetti cleanup.
  • Do not attach anything to the sprinkler heads. If you need to hang something from the ceiling, ask us for suggestions (fishing line works great)…and a ladder!
  • Candles may not be burned in the College Union (Oregon State Law).
  • All cords on floors must be covered (to avoid a trip hazard) & UL approved. We would be happy to provide you with approved power strips/extension cords, and we can cover them for you if you let us know ahead of time.
  • There are emergency lights throughout the College Union, and many cannot be turned off. If you would like to have a dark space for your event, please meet with a College Union staff member prior to the event, to see if this is an option, or to find an alternative solution.
  • We encourage you to be creative in your decorations, while keeping these 2 main rules in mind: Decorations may not cause harm or risk of harm to any person and Decorations may not damage any Oregon Tech property. Let us know if you’d like suggestions or ideas!
  • Please remove all decorations when you leave.

Security for Events

Some events may require that a campus safety officer be present. This is at the discretion of Oregon Tech; there are charges associated with this service. This service is discussed in advance with the user group. Internal groups need to submit appropriate paperwork in a timely manner.


  • Please clean up after your event; there may be an additional charge for excessive cleanup.
  • If damages occur from decorations, incorrect tape, misuse of the space, or any other reason that could be avoided, a charge to correct the damages may be billed to your organization.
  • After your event is completed, a bill will be sent to your organization encompassing all charges for the College. We expect these bills to be paid in a timely manner. Organizations with outstanding bills may not be invited to use the College Union again until the matter is resolved.
  • If there are any questions about your bill, please call Josh Winter (541.885.1036).

Canceling or Changing Reservations

  • If you need to cancel or change your reservation, please do so in advance, to guide our staff scheduling. Reservations cancelled less than 24 hours prior to the event will be billed for costs associated with the set-up of their event, and reservations that are not cancelled (“no-shows”) will be billed the full amount of the reservation.
  • On-campus groups that reserve space in the College Union, do not cancel their reservation 24 hours prior to their room use, and then do not show up for their reservation will lose their privilege to reserve no-cost space in the building for 3 months. During this time reservations can still be made, but the group will be charged the “Non-Profit” rate.