Personal finance company SmartAsset has released its 2023 report of the Best Value Colleges in the U.S., with a degree from Oregon Institute of Technology noted as the highest value for your dollar of any college or university in Oregon.

According to the report, Oregon Tech graduates earn an average starting salary of $67,200, which is the highest in the Oregon rankings. The study lists the average starting salary for all Oregon higher education graduates as $54,650.
SmartAsset ranked colleges by tuition, student living costs, scholarship and grant offerings, student retention rate, and starting salary for new graduates to determine the best value in higher education. The categories were weighted to determine each institution’s “Best Value Colleges” index. The study lists Oregon Tech’s College Education Value Index at 71.48, five points higher than the second Oregon school in the rankings.
Sources used to formulate the Best Value Colleges study include 2020 National Center for Educational Statistics, 2023 Payscale, The Institute for College Access & Success. College InSight.
To view SmartAsset’s rankings for Oregon colleges and universities, visit