
Arief Budiman

Oregon Renewable Energy Center (OREC)

Prof. Arief Budiman


Contact: 541-885-0160
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Location:  PV260


  • Renewable Energy
  • Mechanics of Materials (Nanomechanics) 
  • Design for Reliability
  • Additive Manufacturing
Introductory Remarks

My professional career for the past 10-15 years has been focused in research and development of advanced materials and technologies for energy systems – Solar PV, nuclear and advanced battery technologies. Followed by in the past few years especially focused on design and development of advanced renewable energy systems, such as mini-scale, local, smart and independent but low-cost energy systems for remote, agricultural purposes suitable for poor farmers in developing economies, like Thailand and Indonesia. I have also focused in advanced, system-level energy storage (battery) charging optimization using Machine Learning approaches to enable independent, low-cost energy/power producers for military or disaster-response operations in remote, rural areas without ready access of electricity in advanced economies like Singapore and the United States of America. 

This background, coupled with a strong training in materials science and engineering at the doctoral level in Stanford University, has prepared me to combine my applied research and technology development approaches to further enhancing the adoption and acceptance of renewable energy systems and technologies, and to contribute to the accelerated pace of transition to the renewable energy in the USA. My Renewable Energy Portfolio below has demonstrated what we have achieved for the mission of Renewable Energy and we are excited here at Oregon Renewable Energy Center (OREC) to collaborate to achieve the vision together.

Link to Oregon Tech Staff Directory:  Arief Budiman

Renewable Energy Portfolio

      1.    SMART DOME 4.0: Low-cost Local Power for Poor Farmers in Remote, Economically Marginal Areas in Thailand and Indonesia

Smart Dome 4.0

Conference Presentation and Journal Publication:

A.S. Budiman, et al. Smart Dome 4.0: Low-Cost, Independent, Automated Energy System for Agricultural Purposes enabled by Machine Learning. J. Phys. Conf. Series 2224 (1), 012118 (2022)

F.E. Gunawan, A.S. Budiman, et al. Design and Energy Assessment of a New Hybrid Solar Drying Dome – Enabling Low-Cost, Independent and Smart Solar Dryer for Indonesia Agriculture 4.0. IOP Earth & Environmental Science 998 (1) 012052 (2022)

T.W. Cenggoro, A.S. Budiman, et al. Deep Learning with Greedy Layer-Wise Compound Scaling for Temperature and Humidity Prediction in Solar Dryer Dome. Submitted to Pattern Recognition Letters (2022)

Sources of Research Grant/s:

  • Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia (Research Grant title: ”Smart, Low-Cost, Self-sufficient Drying and Storage Systems for Agriculture 4.0”) as a part of 2021 Matching Fund Program – Sponsor: Government of the Republic of Indonesia, Amount: US$ 200K for 2 years, Duration: 1 Mar 2021 – 28 Feb 2024. I’m the Main PI
  • MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) SUTD-IDC 2014 Innovation Grant – Sponsor: SUTD-MIT IDC (International Design Centre), Title: Design of Novel Materials as Advanced Structural and Functional Materials in Next Generation Renewable Energy Technologies, Amount: $250K for 3 years or $83.3K/pa, Duration: 1 May 2014 – 30 April 2017. I’m the Main PI. 
  • SMART IGNITION GRANT 2017 – Sponsor: SMART (Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology), Title: Development of Novel Bio-Inspired Materials for Photovoltaics using Additive Manufacturing”, Amount: $50K for 1 year or $50K/pa, Duration: 1 Feb 2017 – 31 Jan 2018. I’m the Main PI.


      2.    Catcher in the Rye: Arrest Crack before It Breaks (the Silicon PV Module Performance)
(Collaboration with REC Group, Singapore – World’s Leading Silicon PV Manufacturer)

Silicon-Crack Catcher AI

Conference Presentation and Journal Publication:

S. K. Tippabhotla, W. J. R. Song, A.A.O. Tay and A.S. Budiman, Effect of Encapsulants on the Thermomechanical Residual Stress in the Back-Contact Silicon Solar Cells of Photovoltaic Modules – A Constrained Local Curvature Model, Solar Energy. 182, p.134-147, 2019

S. K. Tippabhotla, N.G. Diesta, X. Zhang, S. Sridhara, C.V. Stan, N. Tamura, A.A.O. Tay, A.S. Budiman, Thermomechanical residual stress evaluation in multi-crystalline silicon solar cells of photovoltaic modules with different encapsulation polymers using synchrotron X-ray microdiffraction, Solar Energy Mater. & Solar Cells. 193, p. 387-402, 2019 (Industry collaboration paper with REC Group, Singapore)

W.J.R. Song, S. K. Tippabhotla, A.A.O. Tay, A.S. Budiman, Numerical Simulation of the Evolution of Stress in Solar Cells during the Entire Manufacturing Cycle of a Conventional Silicon Wafer-based Photovoltaic Laminate, IEEE J. Photovoltaics. 8, No. 1, p. 210-217, 2018.

Sources of Research Grant/s:

  • Singapore National Research Foundation (NRF): EIRP RFP 03 Solar PV Technology – Sponsor: EIPO (Energy Innovations Program Office), NRF/EDB, Title: Enabling Thin Silicon Technology for Next Generation, Lower-Cost Solar PV Systems, Amount: $1.3M for 3 years or $433K/pa, Duration: 1 Jun 2014 – 31 May 2017. I’m the Main PI. 
  • Japan Science and Technology (JST) Agency (Research Grant title: ”Data-Driven Design of Mechanical Properties in Advanced Materials for Extreme Energy and Emerging Electronics”) as a part of 2021 e-ASIA Joint Research Program (JRP)  – Sponsor: Japan’s Government, Amount: US$ 400K for 3 years, Duration: 1 Mar 2022 – 28 Feb 2025. I’m one of the Main PI’s (the other Main PI is Professor Manabu ENOKI of the University of Tokyo, Japan)

      3.    Novel PV Design for Renewable Energy Innovations: Lightweight PV Module, Materials and Technologies

Novel PV Design - Renewable Energry

Conference Presentation and Journal Publication:

A.S. Budiman, G. Illya, S. Anbazhagan, S.K. Tippabhotla, W.J. Song,  R. Sahay, A.A.O. Tay, Enabling Lightweight Polycarbonate-Polycarbonate (PC-PC) Photovoltaics Module Technology – Enhancing Integration of Silicon Solar Cells into Aesthetic Design for Greerer Building, Solar Energy 235, 129-139 (2022)

A.S. Budiman, R. Sahay, K. Agarwal, R. Fajarna, F.E. Gunawan, A. Baji, N. Raghavan, Modeling Impact Mechanics of 3D Helicoidally Architected Polymer Composites Enabled by Additive Manufacturing for Lightweight Silicon Photovoltaics Technology, Polymers 14 (6), 1228 (2022)

A.S. Budiman, R. Sahay, K. Agarwal, G. Illya, R.G. Widjaja, A. Baji, N. Raghavan, Impact-Resistant and Tough 3D Helicoidally Architected Polymer Composites Enabling Next-Generation Lightweight Silicon Photovoltaics Module Design and Technology, Polymers 13 (19), 3315 (2021)

A.S. Budiman, S. Anbazhagan, G. Illya, W.J.R. Song, R. Sahay, S.K. Tippabhotla, A.A.O. Tay, Enabling curvable silicon photovoltaics technology using polycarbonate-sandwiched laminate design, Solar Energy 220 (2021) 462-472

Sources of Research Grant/s:

  • MOE2017-T2-2-175 – Sponsor: MOE (Ministry of Education), MOE T2, Title: Materials with Tunable Impact-Resistance via Integrated Additive Manufacturing, Amount: $536K for 3 years or $179K/pa, Duration: 1 Jun 2018 – 31 May 2021. I’m the PI. 
  • Temasek Lab@SUTD SEED 2015 Research Programme 2015 – Sponsor: TL@SUTD (Temasek Lab@SUTD), Title: Biomimetic, strong yet tough composites through 3D printing – Prototype Building, Amount: $50K for 1 year or $50K/pa, Duration: 1 Oct 2014 – 30 September 2015. I’m the PI.