Link Coordinators 2021

Dr. Roger Lindgren, professor and chair of Civil Engineering at Oregon Institute of Technology, has been named a recipient of the Outstanding Link Coordinator Award by the Order of the Engineer organization. Dr. Lindgren has organized Order of the Engineer ceremonies at Oregon Tech since 2001 and has taught at the university for 22 years.

The Order of the Engineer was initiated in the United States in 1970 to foster a spirit of pride and responsibility in the engineering profession, to bridge the gap between training and experience, and to present to the public a visible symbol identifying the engineer. Members participate in a ring ceremony at which graduate and registered engineers are invited to accept the Obligation of the Engineer and a stainless steel ring. At Oregon Tech, Dr. Lindgren plans and officiates the ceremonies for all ABET-EAC graduating students. Initiates pledge to uphold the standards and dignity of the engineering profession and to serve humanity by making the best use of Earth’s precious wealth. For 2021 inductees, Dr. Lindgren organized a virtual ring ceremony—the first of its kind due to in-person limitations.

Fellow Oregon Tech Civil Engineering professors, Dr. Sean St.Clair and Dr. C.J. Riley provided endorsement letters supporting Dr. Lindgren.

Dr. St.Clair shared, “Under his coordination, hundreds of engineers have been inducted into our link. In the last 15 years, Oregon Tech transitioned three other engineering technology programs into engineering programs and Roger reached out to the graduates of those new programs to welcome them to the Order as well. While the ceremony used to be small and solely civil engineering students, it is now wonderful to have much larger ceremonies with renewable energy, electrical, and mechanical engineering students join in with us.”

Included in Dr. Riley’s letter are similar sentiments, “Roger Lindgren is as reliable as the sunrise, daily and seasonally. I can always count on him reaching out well before the annual induction ceremony with a well-conceived schedule and some creative suggestions for presiding members…There is always palpable anticipation of the ring ceremony by students and their proud parents and then grateful thanks for the very professional and thought-provoking ceremony that occurs each year without fail. Roger is the epitome of an Outstanding Link Coordinator.”

Dr. Lindgren will be recognized in the Order of the Engineer almanac and receive an award plaque.
