Alcohol and Drug Policy
Oregon Tech participates in the "Drug Free Schools and Community Act" (Public Law 101-226, Sec. 22) and is committed to providing and environment that maximizes the potential for drug- and alcohol-free lifestyle.
Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act
Oregon Tech participates in the “Drug Free Schools and Community Act” (Public Law 101-226, Sec. 22) and is committed to providing an environment that maximizes the potential for a drug and alcohol free lifestyle. Possession, consumption or furnishing alcoholic beverages on campus is prohibited, except in the Upper Class Wing of the Resident Hall and on special sanctioned occasions in the College Union.
The use, possession, sale, giving or exchanging of illegal drugs or controlled substances is prohibited on campus by state law and university policy. Persons violating these prohibitions are subject to discipline and corrective intervention by the university, including possible suspension, expulsion and filing of criminal charges.
Health risks associated with misuse and abuse of mind-altering drugs, controlled substances and alcohol include, but are not limited to, diminished immunity; physical and psychological dependence; brain, pancreas, kidney and lung damage; high blood pressure; heart attack; strokes; ulcers; birth defects; and death.
The Counseling and Student Health Services provide assessment and referral service to students and serve as alcohol- and drug-abuse information and educational resource.
Campus Smoking Policy
The university passed a policy in 2013 to maintain a smoke and tobacco free campus, in an effort to promote the health and well-being of the entire campus community.
Smoke and Tobacco Free Campus
The university passed a policy on May 28, 2013 to maintain a tobacco free campus. In an effort to promote the health and well-being of the entire campus community, the policy prohibits the use of tobacco products on campus. With this policy, Oregon Tech joins other public institutions, private universities, and community colleges throughout Oregon in instituting or considering such policies.
- Effective Fall Term 2013, all properties associated with Oregon Tech including the Klamath Falls campus and the Wilsonville campus, became Tobacco-Free. This means that use of any type of tobacco is prohibited on all property maintained by Oregon Tech.
- This policy applies to students, staff, faculty, administrators, visitors, and any other individual associated with Oregon Tech.
- Distribution and/or promotion of tobacco products on campus will be prohibited.
- Smoking cessation assistance will be made available for all faculty, staff and students of Oregon Tech.
A tobacco free awareness program and implementation plan has been established to inform employees, students, and visitors of this change. For more information please read OIT-30-035 or call the Oregon Quit Line at 1-800-QUIT NOW (784-8669)

Firearms Policy
Possession, use or threatening use of firearms, fireworks, ammunition, explosives, chemicals or any objects that may be used as a weapon are strictly prohibited on university property or at university sponsored or supervised activities.
Firearms, Munitions and Explosives
Except as expressly authorized by law or university regulations, possession, use or threatening use of firearms, fireworks, ammunition, explosives, chemicals or any objects that may be used as a weapon are strictly prohibited on university property or at university sponsored or supervised activities. Concealed weapons are prohibited, even with an authorized permit.
Professional law enforcement officers are the only person permitted to possess firearms on campus.