Brian Moravec, Associate Dean, ETM - Professor, ETM
“ Brian is always engaging students, challenging their understanding. He is passionate and nurturing toward his clubs. When he is on campus he encourages students to catch him in the hall and ask questions, or flag him down in his office. If he can he will stop what he is doing to work with you. If he can't he will track you down as soon as he can to follow up.””
“ Easily one of the best professors I’ve had. He is always available and willing to answer questions and his answers are helpful. He’s funny however still manages to cover all the content he needs to. He’s also the faculty advisor for Baja and Formula clubs and does a good job keeping them on track. He also supports other clubs that enhance student learning. This includes being present on Saturdays to allow students access to the shops when timelines were needing to be met.” |

Tanya McVay, Professor, Natural Science
“Tanya McVay takes the time to focus on each one of her students and their needs. I know this personally because she is my A&P teacher and my academic advisor, she has gone out of her way to help me personally pass my classes and succeed to my best ability. She is an amazing person and I think she really deserves to be honored.” |
“ Dr. McVay is very dedicated to her students and pushes them to achieve there maximum potential. She believes that they can do great things even when they don’t think that of themselves. She works hard to continually adapt her teaching style to help whatever class she is teaching at the time..” |
We received over 280 Nominations and Support Statements for over 100 Individuals!
Addie Clark | Elvira Schechtel | Kevin Brown | Seth Anthony |
Alishia Huntoon | Gary Clark | Kevin Pintong | Sharon Beaudry |
Barry Canaday | Greg Pak | Krista Beaty | Shirlee Templeton |
Ben Bunting | Heidi Haynal | Kristy Weidman | Steve Edgeman |
Bren Raffaelly | Hope Corsair | Leah Jolly | Suzanne Hopper |
Brian Moravec | Hugh Jarrard | Lindy Stewart | Tanya McVay |
Calvin Caldwell | Hui Yun Li | Maria Lynn Kessler | Todd Breedlove |
Charisse Botsch | Irina Demeshko | Matthew Sleep | Tom Taylor |
Charles Riley | Jared Emard | Michael Gilinsky | Travis Lund |
Christopher Syrnyk | Jeannie Bopp | Monica Breedlove | Trevor Petersen |
Claudia Torres-Garibay | Jeff Pardy | Nathan Mead | Trisha Elliott |
Corey Murphy | Jeremy Ing | Oleksandr Dobzhanskyi | Vanessa Bennett |
Cristina Crespo | Jesse Kinder | Pat Schaeffer | Veronica Koehn |
Cristina Negoita | Jherime Kellermann | Peter Overholser | Yasha Rohwer |
Darlene Swigart | Joey Parnell | Phil Howard | |
David Hammond | John Borgen | Richard Carson | |
David Johnston | John Ritter | Robert Melendy | |
Dawn Bailey | Kamal Gandhi | Robin Schwartz | |
Dibyajyoti Deb | Ken Davis | Rosalind McClure | |
Don Lee | Ken Usher | Sarah Fitzpatrick | |
Eklas Hossain | Kerry Farris | Sean Sloan |
Award Criteria
The Oregon Tech Foundation Excellence in Teaching Awards are presented annually to recognize the outstanding teaching of one faculty member from the College of Engineering, Technology, and Management (ETM) and one faculty member from the College of Health, Arts and Sciences (HAS).With this award, the Foundation honors faculty members whose talents as teachers make a difference in the lives of students.Award recipients will receive a $1,000 stipend, a parking space (K-Falls Campus) and will be honored with a certificate. |
Recipients of the Oregon Tech Foundation Excellence in Teaching Award should demonstrate one or more of the following:
- Outstanding teaching performance as evidenced by engaging instruction, positive interaction with, and availability to, students
- Exemplary commitment to students through academic advising, or extra-curricular involvement and advising, both formal and informal
- Leadership in initiatives supporting student success
Selection Criteria
Recommendations about award recipients will be made by Selection Committee based on the extent to which the initial nomination and letters of support demonstrate excellence as described by the award criteria. Additional consideration will be given to those with multiple recommendations and to recommendations written by students. Selection Committee recommendations will be submitted to the Oregon Tech Foundation President by May 15th.
Selection Committee
- Brittney Ayles, Student Representative, Klamath Falls
- Nashmy Luna, Student Representative, Portland-Metro
- Stefan Valenzuela, ASOIT President Portland-Metro
- Kaiulani Evans-Bautista, Associate Director, Admissions
- ETM Prior Award Recipient:-Sean Sloan
- HAS Prior Award Recipient - Darlene Swigart
- Don Johnson, Oregon Tech Foundation Board Representative
- Barb Meng, Executive Assistant to the Office Academic Excellence