Facilities Management Services & Capital Planning
Oregon Tech Facilities Management Services & Capital Planning department keeps our campus clean, manages campus projects and plan for future growth.
Financial Operations: Budget & Planning Office, Business Affairs Office
Oregon Tech Fiscal Operations is comprised of two units: the Business Affairs Office, responsible for ensuring that the institution applies sound and responsive business practices while adhering to all regulations, policies, procedures, and industry standards; and Budget and Resource Planning, which is tasked with developing and implementing the university’s budget processes, policies and practices in alignment with the institution’s resources, mission and objectives.
Human Resources
The Office of Human Resources (OHR) best serves Oregon Tech by being active participants in promoting Oregon Tech’s vision, mission, and values and seeking to model best practices through our eight core values.
Information Technology Services
Oregon Tech Information Technology Services (ITS) provides computing and telecommunications resources for the Oregon Tech campuses. ITS strives to offer the comprehensive and advanced technologies necessary to meet educational needs and to help facilitate instruction and research.
Internal Audit
Internal auditing is an independent and objective assurance and consulting activity that is guided by a philosophy of adding value to improve the operations of Oregon Tech. It assists Oregon Tech in accomplishing its objectives by bringing a systematic and disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of Oregon Tech's governance, risk, and internal control. Internal Audit shall provide the Oregon Tech administrators (Management) and the Oregon Tech Board of Trustees (Board) with an independent and objective examination of the effectiveness, efficiency, and application of the accounting, financial, and other internal controls necessary to accomplish Oregon Tech's objectives.
Payroll Operations
Oregon Tech Payroll Operations provides assistance and services to employees for their leave time record keeping and payroll processing.
Procurement, Contract Services & Risk Management
Oregon Tech Procurement and Contract Services (PACS) assists departments in obtaining maximum value for university expenditures, including expenditures on goods, services, and construction. Risk Management minimizes the risk exposures of Oregon Tech by providing risk consulting and risk services to the Oregon Tech community. Services include identifying sources of loss, assessing the impact, recommending risk solutions/techniques, assisting with implementation and monitoring the solution/technique for its effectiveness.
Resilience, Emergency Management & Safety (REMS)
Resilience, Emergency Management and Safety (REMS) provides strategic leadership over the university’s business continuity, campus safety, emergency management, environmental health and safety and parking portfolio. The department collaborates with key stakeholders to build organizational and individual resilience to adverse events, business disruptions, emergencies, hazardous environmental conditions, public safety incidents and safety risks.